Welcome to the DataServe Retro Website...

For new visitors who don't know us, Dataserve Retro is a small husband and wife team.  We collect and restore many types of 1980's 8-bit retro computer systems, but have a particular interest in the Sinclair and Amstrad machines.

We set up our original website back in 2004 to provide information on the range of 8-bit micro computers that we restore and support - focusing on the companies behind them, their development history and sadly for most of them, their ultimate demise.

As the site was noticed, we started to receive many emails and questions.  The site expanded (and continues to do so now) as we tried to answer the most frequently asked questions by sharing our own knowledge and experience through the technical pages.

We try to offer support and advice in a friendly and non-technical way and will continue to add sections as site visitors request them - drop us an email if you want a particular subject covered and we'll do our best to help.

The Site Shop

We offer a large range of spares, parts, peripherals, documentation, books, software, games and complete machines (when available).  These are all offered in a dedicated sales area with sections for each computer supported.

Payment for items is quick and easy via PayPal, but you can pay by other methods should you prefer (please email us).

Items purchased will be shipped within 3 working days of payment receipt.

We regret that under new laws introduced by the European Union in July of 2021 we are unable to ship to any EU country.
However, we do have a limited range of our products in our eBay shop. If you are an EU customer you can purchase these items under eBay's Global Shipping Program - our shop is here .

For more details on shipping, see our Shipping page.

Site Security
The site is secure to protect your transactions when using the shop, but please ensure that you use the SSL secured address of https://www.dataserve-retro.co.uk/ if you bookmark the site.

What's new?...

More cassette unit and disk drive belts added to the shop.
New tape head cleaning cassettes and Record Deck stylus cleaning kits available.
Sinclair Spectrum+ keyboard membranes back in stock.
Replacement power supplies for the Acorn ALF03 Data Recorder now available.

Last site update - 04/02/25


© DataServe Retro 2004 -  2024